Friday, April 22, 2011


It is fair to say that authoritarian leaders are needed for coaching.  I think the best coaching staff has a mix of charismatic and authoritarian coaches.  You need a charismatic coach to rally the team together for a big game, or to pick up a player that has been struggling.  But, it is important to note that you need a coach to keep the team in line as well.  Sometimes when you have all charismatic coaches it is easier for the team to go goof off, so you need that balance in the coaching staff.  My high school baseball team had a mixture with charismatic and authoritarian coaches and we were the best team in the state my junior year and senior year we were the runners up in the championship.  The same goes for all sports, you need a mixture of different kind of leaders to better the team rather than just one. 

Friday, April 15, 2011


To me a great leader is someone who guides others towards a common goal, showing the way by example, and creating an environment in which other team members feel actively involved in the entire process.  They also have to be a great listener, someone who is focused, organized, and confident.  To me these qualifications meet the great Brett Favre.  Dispit what has happened to him last season off the field with all his problems for years Brett has shown outstanding leadership on the field.  As the QB he is always responsible for the whole offense.  But, I see him leading the whole team in huddles before and after the game pumping up his teammates.   He's the oldest active player in the game right now and with his experience he knows how to lead younger players into great ones. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Slam Poem

Not very good at this poem stuff...but I decided to write about our world's war on drugs because I lost a friend due to this awful problem in society, and it makes me think about her everytime drugs is brought up in situations. 
I have no reason to see you anymore
You shut the blinds, closed me out, then shut the door
How could you let this come between us?
Betrayal is always sad
Needless to say what you could have had
Of course you have it still
But based on a lie that you always will
Repeat till it clings true
I've been lied to by the likes of you
From that point of view
I get the privilege to enlighten you
You lied to me when we were at our strongest
I can't believe I thought you were being completly honest

On what I'm doing to help her
She needs some shelter
And if you've felt her loyalty what can you do?

Will you keep this up,
As long as you can if I don't make it stop?
I don't have a clue
Just tell me the truth
Who are you really?
Are you the friend that I've know since kindergarden?
Of what you are about to do
Would you fool me too?
I've been lied to by the likes of you
From that point of view
I get the privilege to enlighten you
I lost you on the war against drungs
All you really needed was a great big hug
Why does our world keep putting out these narcotics?
It pulls families and friends a part
Like a bullet piercing my heart
You dropped outa school
You cut me outa your life
I Don't ever want you to call me again
But please do I'll always be here for you

On what I'm doing to help her
She needs some shelter
And if you've felt her loyalty what can you do?

I'm trying to help her
She needs some shelter
And if you've felt her loyalty what can you do?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sooo...I know this blog is late but I'm gonna go for it anyways.  I'm actually really happy we started talking about banksy because honestly I had no idea how big this guy really was. I think I heard about it once but didn't really pay much attention. After watching the documentary it really opened up my eyes more towards street art. Every time I see street art now I actually take more time to really look at it.  And I didn't even know this doc was a Oscar nominee! It shoulda won if you ask me.  Anyways I'm really excited to do this project along with seeing every1s creative ideas.  Although I think it woulda been a lot more fun and more challenging if we never told the dean or would of been more banksy like :)

Friday, February 25, 2011


Whenever I see street art around the city I love looking at them.  Art has always been somewhat of a secret passion that I wish I had.  Being able to draw and create beautiful art is something that will last you a life time.  Although I am so surrounded by sports, I only get to enjoy it up to a certain age...or when my hip blows out :/ honestly I'm pretty jealous of artist that could just anything that comes to mind.  When I see Banksy's art I am absolutely amazed by his talents. All his art is so modern and cool and would honestly put up all his art work in my room if I could.  It gets alil extreme, but his art is a true masterpiece.  When that art collector in the film said she has art from the most famous artists of all time, and now Banksy...that's saying something.  Bansky also expresses he does it all for the love, not the money, and it truly shows.  I think street art like this should be allowed. I think if I owned a business and had his painting on the side, it would attract more people! Let him do his thing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

our media

In class this week we talked about if ads are too pornographic.  Even though I am a guy I think that a lot of ads are getting way too revealing.  They would be ok if only people 18 and older see them but they are being exposed to young children!  I believe this gives them the wrong perception of what life is really like.  And also gives off too much sexual images.  For me these ads are fine, like I can deal with it, but I wouldn't want my kid under 10 years old to see these images.  And I think that more and more into the future the worse it's gonna get.  I hope that especially the bigger companies decide to change their ways of advertising for our children's sake as dorky as it sounds. But I really think this needs to be done...sorry guys

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Unfortunately, I wasn't there the first day of last week due to the flu, but I heard we were talking about stereotyping.  I always think it's funny when someone says they never stereotype because we do it alllll the time even without noticing.  I myself say that I don't but I'm pretty sure I do.  Even though I'm not racist at all I probably stereotype towards blacks and asians the most.  Like if I'm watching a sporting event and watch a top play I'll go "O OF COURSE HE'S BLACK!" as a joke but hey that's very much stereotyping.  Or thinking a team is really good just because they have a lot of black players.  And for example for Asians whenever I see one driving something kinda triggers my brain to watch out, since they're such stereotypical bad drivers.  Obviously that's not the case for all of them, but you can't stop yourself from thinking that because of what the media always portrays them as being.  I would like to say again I am not racist! Just a typical stereotyper that we all tend to do!