Sunday, February 6, 2011


Unfortunately, I wasn't there the first day of last week due to the flu, but I heard we were talking about stereotyping.  I always think it's funny when someone says they never stereotype because we do it alllll the time even without noticing.  I myself say that I don't but I'm pretty sure I do.  Even though I'm not racist at all I probably stereotype towards blacks and asians the most.  Like if I'm watching a sporting event and watch a top play I'll go "O OF COURSE HE'S BLACK!" as a joke but hey that's very much stereotyping.  Or thinking a team is really good just because they have a lot of black players.  And for example for Asians whenever I see one driving something kinda triggers my brain to watch out, since they're such stereotypical bad drivers.  Obviously that's not the case for all of them, but you can't stop yourself from thinking that because of what the media always portrays them as being.  I would like to say again I am not racist! Just a typical stereotyper that we all tend to do!

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