Friday, April 22, 2011


It is fair to say that authoritarian leaders are needed for coaching.  I think the best coaching staff has a mix of charismatic and authoritarian coaches.  You need a charismatic coach to rally the team together for a big game, or to pick up a player that has been struggling.  But, it is important to note that you need a coach to keep the team in line as well.  Sometimes when you have all charismatic coaches it is easier for the team to go goof off, so you need that balance in the coaching staff.  My high school baseball team had a mixture with charismatic and authoritarian coaches and we were the best team in the state my junior year and senior year we were the runners up in the championship.  The same goes for all sports, you need a mixture of different kind of leaders to better the team rather than just one. 


  1. You have some valid points! The best coaching staff is a mixture because everyone has something different to bring to the team.

  2. i have to agree with you fully that a coach should be a little of authoritarian and a little of charismatic. i think having a strict coach but one that is there to communicate with you is a great coach. a mixture of both would be hard to find but thats how coaches should be!
