Sunday, January 23, 2011


Alright well I'm going to just write a few things about myself because I'm a little confused of when everything is due or what the field assignment is about so I guess I'll just do an intro so I have at least one blog...Hi my name is Eric Barbato, I am 20 years old from Granada Hills.  This is my first year at Moorpark College, I transferred from Cuesta College in SLO. I loveeeeed slo...alot of new friends and awesome parties.  Just hated the school. All my teachers seemed retarded and just read off power points or just didn't go to school.  Which was sometimes nice, but didn't show to well on my grades and I'm trying to get the hell out JC asap! I guess I enjoy MC though...mostly all my teachers are great and I'm having a good time on the baseball team, just living at home is a drap rather than living in the dorms with 10 other baseball players. I also work as a host at CPK which is a decent job, but it kinda made me hate people (those of you who work in the restaurant business know what I'm talking about).  If I could improve one thing about myself it would be to make me more patient.  I HATEEEE waiting in lines or traffic and even waiting for people to respond to like an important text or email. Idk why it just makes me feel really ancy! Ok well to wrap this up I love music, sports, and partying with friends, family, and the occasional randoms.  Which leads me to my favorite quote, "Sorry for partying"- some drunk guy. 

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